When my girls were younger, I read everything to them. As they became independent readers, I handed books over for them to read on their own, but only after I’d pre-read every word. This was easy for me to do because they were new to independent reading, and I could read a lot faster. As they grew older, I had to shift from reading everything word-for-word to doing a heavy skim before permitting them to read a book. And now?

Now I just can’t keep up. They are straight up readers, and they have Kid Free Time. It is impossible for me to find enough minutes in the day to keep up because Adult Free Time and Kid Free Time are like Brussels sprouts and a head of cabbage – they resemble each other but aren’t even close to being comparable in size.
Sometimes I just want to hand my kids a book and walk away.
Like in the movies.
I want to give them free rein to voraciously read some things that are on our shelves for edification or just for fun. When they wake up in the morning or snuggle into bed at night, I’d like them to have a basket of books they can grab that don’t require me to pre-read or pore over every review.
I want them to have some non-schoolbooks that I don’t even have to think about!
And that’s what I’ve found in the Pitts Family ministry. Wynter Pitts’ books are so perfect for tween girls.
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These devotionals are spot on in terms of being rooted in Christ, true to the Word, age-appropriate, and fun. My girls have quite different personalities and interests, but they both agree that these are their most-loved devotionals. The prayer book and coloring books are things I’ve given my girls for gifts in their Easter baskets and Christmas stockings.
Wynter, a mother of four girls and wife to her beloved Jonathan, tragically passed away in 2018 after 15 years of marriage. She was only 38 years old, and we all lost out when she crossed over. I seriously have shed many tears over her death because she was just so special. She was a voice that my girls followed and an amazing role model. I trusted her.

No, I didn’t know her personally, but I’m convinced that we would have loved each other! I was a fan-girl. I still am a fan-girl. And it amazes me that even in her absence, her legacy and gifts are living on through her ministry and the lives of her children.
Wynter’s ministry, For Girls Like You, continues today through the work of her family and their team. One aspect of the ministry I adore is the magazine. This “Christ-centered, fun-filled, edu-tainment-style magazine” is one of the only magazines that comes into our home.
When a new issue arrives in our mailbox, my girls stop everything and start reading, laughing, and enjoying this little bit of fun that was designed with their hearts in mind. My oldest daughter was over the moon one day when she flipped through and saw a picture of herself in the magazine. It’s so cool that they give girls the opportunity to participate and see themselves in that way!
“FOR GIRLS LIKE YOU will help you grow, teach, entertain and inspire your daughter to be GOD’S GIRL first! With fun activities, interactive pages, features on God’s Girls around the world and right next door, articles about people they know and love, inspiring stories on what God is doing in the world, and a whole lot more—every issue shows GIRLS LIKE YOU how to live as GOD’S GIRL.”
And as if the magazine isn’t gift enough, the Pitts girls have gone on to write novels that are sweet, innocent stories of girls just living their lives. No snotty language. No romantic relationships. No “parents are the worst” plots. Just clean fun stories that you don’t have to pre-read. Wynter and Jonathan’s oldest daughter, Alena Pitts, starred in the Christian film War Room with her real-life aunt, Priscilla Shirer, and she wrote this Lena in the Spotlight series:
The younger Pitts daughters – Kaitlyn, Camryn, and Olivia – have teamed up for another Faithgirlz series called The Daniels Sisters. The first book in this series is the next book selection for our Heritage Book Club, so I’ll have book club plans posted for it after our meeting in a few weeks. And LOOK at the name of the 3rd book in the series! Is it okay for me to be super excited about that???!!!
Speaking of book clubs, the family has also introduced a new six-week small group God’s Brave Girl Bible study based on Wynter’s devotionals, and I’m all over it! Along with the leader guide, there’s a study journal for younger girls (1st-3rd grade) and older girls (4th-6th grade). I’m tempted to get started with it right away, but I really want to meet with the girls in person, so I may wait until COVID is under control. Either way, I’m definitely taking my girls and their friends through this study.
After seeing all the tween goodies the Pitts family is sharing with the world, I started wishing for a little something for myself, and of course, there were mama-goodies too. Emptied is the book Wynter and Jonathan finished right before she passed, and it’s about experiencing the fullness of a poured-out marriage. She is Yours empowers parents to “help your daughter develop awesome relationships with God, with you, and with the world around her.” They are quick reads filled with encouragement and advice. I just love the authenticity they layer over everything they write.
This post took me forever to write because I kept vacillating between feelings of deep sadness and surges of hope and excitement. The loss of Wynter’s life selfishly makes me sad because of what she’s meant to my family. At the same time, seeing her work carried on by her husband, Jonathan Pitts and their four girls just makes me smile.
I look forward to following the Pitts family for years to come. They may not know it, but they have a family in Georgia praying for them and cheering them on with every move. I thank God for Jonathan’s leadership and continued ministry and pray that they know how much their talents and hearts are impacting families like mine.
You can find me on Instagram at @heritagemomblog and be sure to check out Pastor Jonathan Pitts @pittsjr26 along with Alena Pitts @alenapitts, his oldest daughter.
Awesome post!! I couldn’t agree more with all you’ve said about Wynter, her family, and her ministry. We love her resources, and I think of her so much as I’m mothering and ministering. I felt like she was family. I hold her family very close to my heart. Thank you for this post!
You’re welcome! It’s so nice to hear from someone else who can understand how I feel. She was just the best. The real deal.
I wish I had pre-teen/teen girls still. This sounds like a lovely collection!
It really is! I’m so thankful to the friend who first introduced me.