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My name is Amber O’Neal Johnston, and I started this website to document and discuss the joys and trials of raising my kids to love themselves and others.
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One Big Open Sky: Black Homesteaders
Without hesitation, I'm boldly proclaiming the novel-in-verse One Big Open Sky as one of my top picks for 2024. In this captivating story,...
Picture Books of Black Musicians
Nearly every genre of American music has been influenced by or has roots in African American music, and these picture books of Black musicians will...
Viva Durant and the Mystery at the Masquerade Ball
Viva Durant is an ordinary teenager who becomes an amateur detective while visiting her grandmother in New Orleans. In the series opener, she...
Warrior on the Mound: A Pitch-Perfect Book Celebrating Negro Leagues Baseball
I'm excited to share Warrior on the Mound, a brand-new middle-grade novel! Today is just a regular day for most, but for the mom of a baseball fan,...
Children’s Books About Black Artists
A few years ago, I shared 17 Picture Books Featuring Black Artists, which are still some of my favorite children's books about Black artists. Since...
Library Book Sale Haul
I need more books like I need a hole in my head, yet... I continue to purchase them. Part of my excuse is that I'm homeschooling four children, and...
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Black History Children’s Books (1900s)
Black history children's books covering some of the major people and events of the 20th century are a superb addition to modern history lessons. I...
Promoting Division in the Homeschooling World
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be hunted? To have people sniffing around, salivating, waiting for you to say or do something “wrong” so...
Why Our Worldschooling Trip Ended Early
After our previous worldschooling trip unraveled, my family was ecstatic about the opportunity to head out on the road for a redemptive adventure....
African History Picture Books
Finding African history picture books has not been easy. It's difficult to find age-appropriate literature that teaches my children about African...
Worldschooling in Ghana: Part 2
While worldschooling in Accra, Ghana, we participated in a wonderful cultural immersion program. After that ended, we moved into different...
Books About Ghana for Kids
In the months and weeks leading up to our trip, I sprinkled in books about Ghana throughout our learning time. We tried to soak up what we could...
Worldschooling in Ghana: Part 1
For the first two weeks of our time worldschooling in Ghana, we participated in a cultural immersion program that gave us a wonderful introduction...
Nina Simone and Christian Robinson
Earlier this week, I was chatting with a friend about the inspiration behind our children's names. It reminded me of how much thought went into...
Worldschooling in Paris
After spending a little time in London, we headed to France for some worldschooling in Paris. This has been a #1 destination for our family for a...
Fostering a Healthy Literary Life
Though I speak and write about many other things, books have always been one of my core passions in this space. I decided early on to raise my...
Worldschooling in London
Before heading to Accra, Ghana to settle in for an extended stay, we decided to detour to Europe for a little worldschooling in London. The city is...
Picture Books About Refugees, Aslyum-Seekers, and Migrants
As part of my lesson plan research, I ran across several children’s books highlighting stories of people who are refugees, asylum-seekers, and...
Our Commitment to Worldschooling
Some of the most efficient and fulfilling ways to raise global citizens are humbly exposing children to meaningful world travel and teaching them to...
Handicrafts: Ideas for Homeschooling
Handicrafts, or handcrafts, are practical or decorative objects made by hand. Often pursued today simply for personal enjoyment, many handicrafts...
Worldschooling Packing List
I shared our Ultimate Packing List for International Travel With Kids five years ago before heading out for our first Worldschooling trip. We still...
Reading Traumatic Stories
My family likes to purchase bookish gifts for our fellow bookworm friends, and sometimes my kids want to snag a little swag for themselves as well....