If there’s one event that perfectly combines education, creativity, and cultural appreciation in our homeschool group, it’s the World Geography...
Posts About
Our Back-to-School Getaway
As summer draws to a close and we prepare to dive into a more structured homeschooling season, our annual camping trip has always been our family’s...
Why Our Worldschooling Trip Ended Early
After our previous worldschooling trip unraveled, my family was ecstatic about the opportunity to head out on the road for a redemptive adventure....
Worldschooling in Ghana: Part 2
While worldschooling in Accra, Ghana, we participated in a wonderful cultural immersion program. After that ended, we moved into different...
Books About Ghana for Kids
In the months and weeks leading up to our trip, I sprinkled in books about Ghana throughout our learning time. We tried to soak up what we could...
Worldschooling in Ghana: Part 1
For the first two weeks of our time worldschooling in Ghana, we participated in a cultural immersion program that gave us a wonderful introduction...
Worldschooling in Paris
After spending a little time in London, we headed to France for some worldschooling in Paris. This has been a #1 destination for our family for a...
Worldschooling in London
Before heading to Accra, Ghana to settle in for an extended stay, we decided to detour to Europe for a little worldschooling in London. The city is...
Our Commitment to Worldschooling
Some of the most efficient and fulfilling ways to raise global citizens are humbly exposing children to meaningful world travel and teaching them to...
Worldschooling Packing List
I shared our Ultimate Packing List for International Travel With Kids five years ago before heading out for our first Worldschooling trip. We still...
A Place to Belong is Here!
I'm so excited to announce that my book, A PLACE TO BELONG, has officially launched! Many thanks to all of you who preordered, those who have...
Juneteenth Is Our Fourth of July
Today is our Fourth of July. Juneteenth is a commemoration of our freedom and opportunity to join in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness....