A few years ago, I shared 17 Picture Books Featuring Black Artists, which are still some of my favorite children’s books about Black artists. Since then, many more artist books have been published, and I’ve been introduced to others I missed the first time, so I’m updating the list with a fresh batch of winning titles.

Learning about Black artistry is a beautiful endeavor for all children. It ensures they recognize the creative spirit running through the African American and diasporic communities, helping build a foundation of appreciation that will last a lifetime. It also inspires children to develop unique expressions of their own creative spirits!
Many children’s biographies of Black artists mention the hardships they endured to have their work noticed and appreciated, but the stories always end in triumph. The message children receive is that you don’t have to stop doing what you love just because some people may not value it. They have every right to claim the undeniable joy of making, and they should keep going.
These books demonstrate a variety of artistic mediums to enjoy and emulate. That makes them the perfect foundational texts for homeschool co-op and classroom activities, as well as book club discussions. They also make great gifts, especially when paired with art supplies (Check out these ideas). Regardless of when or where they’re used, children’s books about Black artists will be appreciated by children of all ages (and their favorite adults!).
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Take a Picture of Me, James Van Der Zee! by Andrea J. Loney tells of the childhood and career of a legendary photographer known for his stunning photos from the Harlem Renaissance.
Bottle Tops by Alison Goldberg is a biography of Ghanaian artist El Anatsui, who has garnered an international audience with his unique sculptures using discarded bottle tops.
Only the Best: The Exceptional Life and Fashion of Ann Lowe by Kate Messner and Margaret E. Powell shares the story of an acclaimed fashion designer whose work spread through Hollywood and beyond.
Pigskins to Paintbrushes: The Story of Football-Playing Artist Ernie Barnes by Don Tate highlights Barnes’ inspiring journey from NFL fields to art galleries. Some parents will recognize this artist’s work from the opening credits of the TV show Good Times.
The Met Faith Ringgold: Narrating the World in Pattern and Color by Sharna Jackson describes the life and career of story quilt artist Faith Ringgold. To learn more about this important artist, check out this Faith Ringgold picture study.
You Gotta Meet Mr. Pierce!: The Storied Life of Folk Artist Elijah Pierce by Chiquita Mullins Lee and Carmella Van Vleet is a unique story that takes readers from a storefront barbershop to an amazing art studio.
Infinite Hope by Ashley Bryan is a beautiful memoir of the artist’s time as a Black soldier in the segregated ranks of World War II military life. Check out more of Ashley Bryan’s work and impact on my family.
Ablaze with Color: A Story of Painter Alma Thomas by Jeanne Walker Harvey gives children a beautiful view of an incredible artist’s life and work. Learn more: Alma Thomas picture study
Henry Ossawa Tanner: His Boyhood Dream Comes True by Faith Ringgold (She’s an author, too!) – Tanner was an incredible American artist who found peace and fame in France due to the indifference and racism he faced in his home country. Enjoy this Henry Ossawa Tanner lesson guide.
I’d love to connect with you on Instagram! I’m @heritagemomblog. You can read more about my family’s relationship with art and children’s books featuring Black artists in my book A PLACE TO BELONG.