Heritage Pack Bundle A is a discounted bundle of three lesson guides designed for Early Elementary students interested in African geography (the modern-day land and its people), fairytales and folktales featuring Black characters, and African American history and culture.

Target grades: 1st – 3rd grade. Younger siblings who are ready for the material can certainly participate in these lessons, and older students will likely enjoy these phenomenal picture books as well!
Lessons scheduled: 36 weeks of lessons in each pack. Because each lesson is independent, you can skip books or eliminate weeks if you prefer to work through the plans more quickly or stretch the plans out if you’d like to enjoy the study over a long period of time.
What’s included:
- Recommended titles with core book summaries and integrated at-a-glance lesson plans
- Lesson-by-lesson suggested reading plans that combine books for a cohesive program
- Recommended bonus books and video suggestions related to the readings.
- Access to a digital page with pictures and direct links to purchase all of the books, along with future updates to broken links, book updates/replacements, and other notes to enhance your experience, as needed.
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Download and Printing Options:
- Digital download only (immediate access) – $38.95
- Hard copy print & ship (spiral-bound OR 3-hole punched) – Includes immediate digital download. – $67.95 ($58.95 + $9.00 USPS priority shipping at checkout)
Shipping within the U.S. only. Printing specs – 28 lb paper, double-sided, color cover, black & white inside pages (same as digital). Usually arrives much sooner, but please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery from our third-party printing company.