Attending an HBCU changed my life, and the new book HBCU Made: A Celebration of the Black College Experience reminded me of how profound the experience was. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are lifelines where Black students are educated and nurtured in an environment that isn’t duplicated ANYWHERE within American society. It’s a wondrous, once-in-a-lifetime, coming-of-age experience that I’ll promote far and wide for as long as I have breath.

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HBCU Made celebrates the Black college experience in a major way! It’s an anthology of essays edited by NPR’s Weekend Edition Sunday host, Ayesha Rascoe, with perspectives from famous and up-and-coming alums about the schools that shaped their lives. Check out this list!
Before arriving on the campus of Florida A&M University (FAMU), I’d never been taught by a Black teacher. That’s right; K-12 and not a single one. I’d rarely even had a class with any Black students. I was missing so much in terms of relationships, self-awareness, cultural understanding, and affirming experiences.
I’m not gonna lie. The first semester was ROUGH. I had a lot to learn, and it was like entering an entirely new world. I soared academically, but socially, I faltered as I clunkily tried to learn who I was apart from the “smart Black girl,” the only identity I knew. But by the end of freshman year, I recognized with 100% certainty that I was right where I belonged.
I ended up joining the illustrious ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., where I found a group of young ladies who taught me what it means to serve, live, and love within a sisterhood of Black women. Twenty-five years later, those same women are raising families, launching businesses, and navigating careers alongside me.

Who is this book for?
HBCU Made is the book for you if you want to learn more about HBCUs, if you attended one, or if you know any Black teens who are considering their next move. It also makes the perfect gift for all the HBCU graduates in your life! Grab your copy today.
Find ideas for teaching your kids about HBCUs in a post I made for HBCU Awareness Month. Check out chapter one of my book, A PLACE TO BELONG, to hear more about my HBCU experience. Follow the author @ayesharascoe and me @heritagemomblog on IG. See you there!