“Heritage Hymns” is a curated collection of multicultural hymnal studies born of my desire to expand the traditional offering of resources for my family and yours. Listening to a variety of song versions across weeks, months, and years of hymn study is a wonderful gift to our children. It teaches them to appreciate the way others worship, even if it’s different than what they’re used to hearing, and it bonds believers through the words and their meaning rather than the notes and how they’re sung.
When we first began intentionally studying hymns, I found that many of the resources designed to help families incorporate hymns into their days tended to feature only one type of music. The lyrics were often familiar to me, but the style of singing was not what I’d grown up hearing. I liked the traditional versions, but my extended family tends to sing hymns in a more soulful way that really resonates with me. I missed that worship style and wanted my kids to enjoy different expressions of the hymns we were learning.
I soon began exposing them to many versions of each hymn so that beauty would not be prescribed to them and so they would intimately know and love the musicality of the generations that came before us. It has been enriching for my family, and I’m excited to share the process with you.
What’s included (Check out Heritage Hymns in the Heritage Mom shop):

- 50+ beautifully designed pages of content to give your family a one-of-a-kind multicultural experience through both the style of singing and the background of the singers
- Full resources for learning and enjoying 15 hymns with links to audio or video for multiple versions of
each hymn including traditional, soulful, contemporary, country, Celtic, instrumental, etc. (genres vary by hymn) - Brief background information along with a link for additional info if your family would like to learn more
- Sheet music for each hymn (includes lyrics)
- Traditional lyrics provided on separate aesthetically pleasing pages for ease of printing and use for singing, copywork, dictation, or recitation, if desired.
- Sample quick-start schedule
- An online spreadsheet of easy links for the entire guide, to be saved for quick access when using a printed version. Includes future updates to broken links, as needed.
Please note: My family is part of a non-denominational, Bible following, Jesus loving congregation. These multicultural hymns were not chosen because of our connection to or preference for any single denomination. They are the hymns I grew up hearing and those that have become family favorites since I began singing hymns with my children.
I invite you to join my family in singing and appreciating different versions of our favorite hymns with the belief that individual expressions of our shared faith are to be appreciated and celebrated!
You can find me talking about diverse hymns, art, poetry, and more on Instagram @heritagemomblog.
Bless you! I was getting ready to make something like this for my family. But then I started wondering if someone else had all ready done the work. I checked your site and behold there it is! Thank you!
Yay! I’m so glad that you found this before doing the extra leg work. I hope your family thoroughly enjoys learning these hymns.