Heritage Mom

Library Book Sale Haul

by | Mar 14, 2024 | Books

I need more books like I need a hole in my head, yet… I continue to purchase them. Part of my excuse is that I’m homeschooling four children, and that legitimately requires a ton of books. We rely extensively on our local library to borrow books, but I also deeply value our home library. I get books from all types of places, but our local library book sale haul is definitely a major source of the books on our shelves.

Our library system holds sales every spring and fall, and last weekend, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at the March sale. I only brought my older girls because we wanted to arrive at the opening, and the boys were still asleep. My younger kids also don’t enjoy perusing as much as the girls, so I went with my best shoppers.

My youngest daughter at the sale with our book wagon

The girls pulled the wagon full o’ books and kept it organized as we shopped. They also immediately grabbed all of their books and doled out the ones I got for the boys to their respective brothers, but here’s a look at the books we got just for me (and a copy of our receipt to see what an awesome deal we got):

Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, I may earn commissions from qualifying purchases using these links to the library book sale haul, at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support.

Simeon’s Story: An Eyewitness Account of the Kidnapping of Emmett Till

The Ebola Epidemic: The Fight, The Future

That Dunbar Boy: The Story of America’s Famous Negro Poet (Check out this post on Paul Laurence Dunbar)

The Shadow of Liberty: The Hidden History of Slavery, Four Presidents, and Five Black Lives

Lynching and Murder in the Deep South

Separate But Not Equal: The Dream and the Struggle

Let’s Talk About Race (This is a good book to read before teaching about colorism.)

Marching to the Mountaintop: How Poverty, Labor Fights and Civil Rights Set the Stage for Martin Luther King Jr’s Final Hours 

Because They Marched: The People’s Campaign for Voting Rights that Changed America 

Fly, Eagle, Fly! An African Tale

The Girl Who Spun Gold 

Turning 15 on the Road to Freedom: My Story of the 1965 Selma Voting Rights March

The Hired Hand

Long Way Down (Check out other Black novels in verse here)

Outward Dreams: Black Inventors and Their Inventions

Bad Boy: A Memoir

Come a Stranger (This is book #5 in The Tillerman Cycle. You don’t necessarily have to read #2-4 first, but you should definitely read the first book, Homecoming, first)

Here’s a copy of our receipt. So many really wonderful deals!

Keep up with our shenanigans on Instagram @heritagmomblog. See you there!


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My name is Amber O’Neal Johnston, and I started this website to document and discuss the joys and trials of raising my kids to love themselves and others.

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