I'm excited to share our experience with The Toothpaste Millionaire with you. Each month, I try to share the notes I use while leading a book club...
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Books as Mirrors & Windows With Simply Charlotte Mason
I recently had the pleasure of sitting down to chat about books as mirrors and windows with Sonya Shafer from Simply Charlotte Mason. We had a great...
Book Review: Christmas Gif’ by Charlamae Rollins
I just have so much to say about this book. It is not a typical Christmas book and I mentioned it in African American Christmas Books We Love,...
African American Christmas Books We Love
I am not sure whether to break out in a version of "These Are a Few of My Favorite Things" or "Deck the Halls" because this list is both: all of our...
Book Club Notes: Ansley’s Big Bake Off
Our local homeschool support group has read a variety of books over the years, and we're always on the hunt for something fun and interesting to...
How I Teach My Kids to Read
One of the questions I often get from new homeschooling moms is, "How did you teach your children to read?" On one hand, I love answering this...
Multicultural Holiday Gift Guide: Diverse Book-inspired Gift Ideas For Children
In the midst of the holiday frenzy, I work hard to keep our home environment peaceful and focused on the "reason for the season." Rather than shun...
African American Poetry Books for Children: Selections from Black Poets for Poetry Teatime and Charlotte Mason Poetry Study
Poetry holds a special place in my heart. Admittedly, I was a reluctant lover of verse, but my personal path to poetry has mirrored my entire...
Gladiola Garden: My Most Cherished Volume of Children’s Poetry
When I began to introduce my children to poetry as a daily practice within our homeschool, I was struck by the homogeneity of the sweet images...
Book Club Notes: Ways to Make Sunshine by Renee Watson
Our local homeschool support group runs five age-based book club meetings each month (teens meet weekly), and I lead the Juniors which roughly...
Tween Devotionals and Fun Novels I Can Trust
When my girls were younger, I read everything to them. As they became independent readers, I handed books over for them to read on their own, but...
How to Start a Culturally Rich Book Club
One of the homeschool activities I'm asked about most is our Heritage Book Club. It's an off-shoot of the local support group I run for black...